Our mission at Peace & Soul Wellness is to

who struggle with work-life balance to integrate healthy lifestyle habits through lifestyle wellness coaching.

I pray that in every way you may succeed and prosper and be in good health [physically], just as [I know] your soul prospers [spiritually]

Dear friend, 

3John 1:2 AMP

I’m a lifestyle wellness coach and the founder of Peace & Soul Wellness. I help women integrate healthy lifestyle habits that promote health and well-being. I’m eager to help women explore limiting narratives and habits that no longer serve them and cultivate new narratives and actions that align with the life they desire.

kris estem

about your coach

Through an action-centered partnership, our aim is to support women as they move from intention to action then to sustainable change. 

Cultivate a New Narrative ⟶

our coaching approach

Action-oriented partnership
Present + Future focused

Transformation in our habits starts with a transformation in our mindset.

Learn How We Can Work Together  ⟶